Found 51 Papers
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Volume 1979
Visual Information Display System

Year: 1979

Authors: Craig Smith, Cecil Bone, Dennis Rutledge

Abstract: This paper does not have an abstract.

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Using the Microprocessor to Tailor Computer Systems to Training Simulator Requirements

Year: 1979

Author: Nicholas Siecko

Abstract: This paper does not have an abstract.

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Software Management of a Complex Weapon System Simulator

Year: 1979

Authors: Albert Goldstein, Wendell Newell

Abstract: This paper does not have an abstract.

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A Mechanism for Communicating Simulator Instructional Feature Requirements

Year: 1979

Authors: Lawrence Pohlmann, Robert Isley, Paul Caro

Abstract: This paper does not have an abstract.

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Keeping Down the Cost of Training: A Challenge to the User

Year: 1979

Author: Alexandra Taylor

Abstract: This paper does not have an abstract.

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Algorithmic Prescriptions for Instructional Systems Development

Year: 1979

Authors: Suzanne Sax, John Moscicki

Abstract: The above approach describes a system of three classes of algorithms which guide instructional development. The General Learning Model Algorithm is representative of four learning types and provides guidance for the arrangement of instructional events according to learning theory principles. Instructional Flow Algorithms identify the framework of a lesson and specify the operations of the control mechanisms of the lesson. Both of these types of algorithms are independent of content matter and provide guidance for the design and development of any type of instruction. Task/Procedure Algorithms, on the other hand, represent the actual content of a lesson, and used in conjunction with the other classes of algorithms, provide a logical and systematic methodology for the instructional designer.

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Emulation as a Sonar Trainer Model Validation and Verification Tool

Year: 1979

Author: Bruce Walker

Abstract: This paper does not have an abstract.

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Simulator Instructional Feature Design Guide

Year: 1979


Abstract: This paper does not have an abstract.

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Immediate Learner Achievement as an Effect of Aesthetic Embellishment in Educational Art

Year: 1979

Author: Roger Markham


This study was designed to test the null hypothesis that there would be no significant difference in the achievement of subjects who are taught the same concepts using two sets of visuals which differ in detail, complexity, accuracy of scale and use of background. A 20-item comprehension test produced nonsignificant differences between the simple and complex artwork treatments within both the Army Reserve and UCF samples. Subjects in both target audiences achieved approximately the same comprehension level even though they perceived the complex art to be significantly more adequate to teach.

The major implication of this study is the possibility for dramatic savings in costs as well as time contributed to the development process of TEC lessons without a corresponding drop in teaching effectiveness. It was recommended that educators consider this and other related research when planning, designing, purchasing and using audiovisual instructional materials and training aids.

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Cost-Effectiveness of Flight Simulators for Military Training

Year: 1979

Authors: Jesse Orlansky, Joseph String

Abstract: This paper does not have an abstract.

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